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How I Got My Start

          My love of writing grew from old masterworks of fiction, and began to touch on more living works in the form of public speaking and public relations. I found a few things in the world to be more moving than sharing words or music with an audience to chronicle the small, but common traits that make us who we are.

          Music has always been a driving force in my life, but my love didn’t come from the long beautiful melodies or the sweeping harmonies that take you off of your feet and into another world. My love for music came from spectacular settings of poetry and the communication of stories that spanned from the beautiful, to the grotesque. Stories whispered across centuries of love, loss, heartbreak, or endless devotion captured me totally. When under that music’s spell, it feels as though you are at the mercy of something greater than yourself, like currents of water beneath a violent surface.

         The need to share my experience with others, and nuggets of the human condition that seem to last eternally are what brought me to this point, and I’d like to share it with you. Music, writing, and life.

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